Book Review: If Cats Disappeared from The World by Genki Kawamura

Suppose you are going to die tomorrow and a demon shows up before you, offering you to prolong a day of your life for one thing you choose to erase from the world, what would you choose to delete?

Will it be the thing that humans are too attached to like mobile phones? Or will it be the thing we humans enjoy the most like movies or music? Or will it be the thing that humans created to make our lives convenient but actually imprison us in a way like the concept of time and clock? Or cats? Or will you choose to die the next day instead, without deleting anything?

The main character of this book–god knows his name–found out that he had a grade 4 brain tumor and only has 6 months to live, tops. He got home, collapsed, then woke up to see his other self–striking similar, only more festive with colorful hawaii shirt–claiming himself as a devil, and offering him a way to make him live longer.

He did choose to delete a few things from the world, like phones, movies, clocks. But what good is living longer if you don’t realize what is important. And to him, what is important turns out to be reconciling with his father and learning that there are different ways of showing you love someone.

By the end of the day, “Instead of thinking of family as just being there, you need to think of it as something you do. Family is a verb–you “do family”. Pg. 168

Such a refreshing, light reading with a pinch of satire and a few drops of fantasy with warm ending. I mean who wouldn’t love a cat that talks?

Side note, I had to laugh at the fact that I had just finished watching My Demon when I started this book. So, this is the second time a Demon comes in and offers me something in exchange for something.

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