Book Review: Money by Laura Whateley

I dare you not to sing this:
I am thirty-ish, going on thirty-ish (still)
I know that I’m naive.
Stock market investment, budgeting and pension
What do I know of those…

Well, that’s me. I remember once when I (was forced to) meet someone and we were both pretty straightforward to talk about stuff, one of which was money management and investment (guess we were both Ts). I told him, I didn’t care about whom should manage the household finance. I’d rather leave it to the more knowledgeable party (he was a CFA).

However, I think I need to start thinking about it seriously. Especially Pension. It is important but nobody is talking about it here in Indonesia. So, this book is a good start. Not overwhelming since it is basic enough and the way Whateley explains is so casual, more like reading a friend’s note rather than a serious non-fiction. It covers from renting, mortgage, pension, saving, investment, tax reliefs & allowances, insurances, to anwswering is it wise to have a joint back account with your spouse.

I’m most intrigued about tax relief & allowances in Indo tho. The most I get about our tax and its benefit is BPJS. It feels like we pay our taxes, but we don’t know where those money goes, besides infrastructures & developments.

I wish that there is similar book in Indonesia context with equal fun like this one. Or there is? Anybody can tell me?

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